What is rendering?

Rendering is recycling

Rendering facilities recycle unused meat, fat, and bone into usable ingredients. Not only do renderers provide a safe way to dispose of inedible product, but our process protects the environment, human health, and animal health by keeping tons of food waste from entering landfills. Improper disposal of unused product could result in toxic runoff, foul odors, and the possibility of disease transfer among animals and humans.

Rendering is safe and essential.

“According to a 2020 report, more than 62 billion pounds of renderable raw materials are produced in the U.S. and Canada each year from farms, feedlots and slaughter facilities for cattle, hogs, sheep, chickens and turkey. From that approximately 16 million tons of rendered products are produced annually. That’s 16 million tons of reduced food waste that would have been sent to landfils if not upcycled into new ingredients for biofuels, pet foods, and other products.

-North American Renderers Association